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Devan Water Tank in NZ

Devan has been manufacturing and providing a range of wastewater products since 2009. Septic tanks, wastewater treatment systems, effluent dosing tanks and grease traps are the core products in Devan’s wastewater range and are available in both domestic and commercial options. Devan has a larger installer partner network that you can utilize for installation and quotes. Click here to go to the partners page.

The Benefits
Our Integra wastewater systems NZ and septic tanks are extremely lightweight and robust. The tanks have been independently designed, certified and are manufactured to the Australian and New Zealand AS/NZS1546:2008.

There are very few products made in New Zealand that are certified to comply with all aspects of this standard, this includes structure, material selection, components quality, minimum labeling and emergency storage capacities.

The Integra S-15 Wastewater system has been independently certified to comply with AS/NZS1546:2008 and AS/NZS1547:2012. Part of this certification required independent testing carried out by the National trial facility in Rotorua, the OSET-NTP. The Integra system has been approved after successful completion of these trials and produced very low power consumption results, comparable with leading textile systems and uses as little as 1.8kw/h per day with a discharge pump and only 0.84kW if using gravity distribution, that is less than 20c per day or $6 month when using gravity.

Compliance, …… this day and age it’s easy for companies to say they comply with an Australian/New Zealand standard or other industry standard for a range of products. Actually demonstrating this is a different story.
The Integra wastewater systems are simple to maintain and operate. The systems don’t have any proprietary mechanical items, therefore replacement parts (if needed in years to come) can be sourced from your local plumbing shop.

Click here for the Bay of Plenty regional Council Approved system list.

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