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Integra Wastewater Treatment

Integra Wastewater Treatment Systems have been developed with years of research and development to be the most robust and reliable system in the market. Efficient to run with low annual operating costs and power consumtion there is an Integra model to suit any application.

This is a highly specialised area and we encourage you to contact one of our team to discuss your application to ensure you get the right solution.

Cut through the sales “effluent”!

When deciding what “system” or solution you need there are some simple considerations.

What is a secondary or advanced system, what is a septic tank and what’s the difference?

  1. Putting it simply a septic tank treats approximately 30% “contaminates” in your wastewater in the tank and then the balance is treated in your soil.A secondary or advanced system treats up to 90% of the “contaminates” in your wastewater and the balance is treated in your soil
  2. Do I need a secondary or advanced system?This is a critical question to get right as a traditional septic tank installed in the right conditions is a good way to dispose of your wastewater. The capital expenditure is a little bit less and has significantly less running costs compared to secondary systems.

Now, I know I need a secondary system, what’s the sales pitch?
As there are over 30 different systems on the market in New Zealand there is some simple ways to cut through the 30 odd sales pitches!

3. Has the system been independently trialled?
The Integra S-15 has been independently certified right here in New Zealand through the Rotorua OSET trials. Less than 50% of systems have been independently tested

4. Has the design and construction been independently certified to comply with the Australian/New Zealand standard to ensure your product is manufactured and designed correctly?
All Devan Integra tanks have been independently verified and certified to AS/NZS1546.1. The Integra S-15 has been independently certified and Audited to ensure all design principles, materials used and quality control complies with AS/NZS1546.3. Less than 20% of companies have achieved this. Don’t take our word for it, check out the Bay of Plenty Regional Councils site here.

The 4 questions above will drastically change the number of confusing options and if our system won’t suit your application we will point you to another company that has these same principles in mind!

Our Most Commonly Asked Questions


The water discharged from the system is non-potable. This means you cannot use it in any application where health could be at risk. The disposal field or dripper line must be either below the surface of the ground or underneath 150mm of mulch.

This ensures the safe disposal of the fluid without risk to health of humans or other animals.


Just like with ordinary septic tanks there is a list of do’s and don’ts around what household chemicals are safe for use with your system. Ifthe wrong products end up in the system they can ’kill’ the system and this will likely result in bad smells until the system comes back to life. Your Integra system will come with a comprehensive guide.


All wastewater treatment systems have an operating cost of some sort. In the case of the Integra system it is running a pump and a blower and requires servicing twice per year.

The cost of electricity has been tested at approximately $175 per year and each service should be around $150 but this is up to your service agent.


The Integra wastewater treatment system vessels carry a 15 year guarantee, but anyone can offer a guarantee and hope for the best. Integra can however proclaim that not a single vessel has failed in the field. Facts speak louder than words.

Third party components are provided with a two year manufacturers warranty.


Any vessel sold in New Zealand or the Pacific Islands should meet or exceed the standard for construction of underground septic tanks (AS/NZS 1546.1) and the standard for on-site wastewater management (AS/NZS1547).

The Integra system is certified to comply or exceed both of these standards.


Many systems on the market run intermittent blowers. This can cause ‘belching’ where the blower kicking on causes a rush of odorous air from the vent of the system.

The Integra system runs a very quiet and low energy blower 24 hours per day to ensure no belching occurs, and all with lower energy consumption than many other systems.